Career Management Program (CMP)
Career Management program (CMP) is 25 accredited training programs to help participants to manage their career path, and transfer the knowledge, knowhow, and Techniques to others. It also trains Career Counselors/Facilitators, Coaches, and social workers on new career development & planning approaches & techniques that matches with the Middle East (Education & Employment) environment. (CMP) is the process through which participants will become aware of their career interests, career value, personal styles, motivations, working conditions and other characteristics; set their career goals, and establish action plans to attain the desired goals. (CMP), an event in which participants are expected to be actively involved, completing career planning exercises and inventories and participating in career skills practice sessions. The program will help participants to professionally answer the following important questions: 1- Who am I? 2- Where am I? 3- What is the best suitable career path for me? 4- How can I get there? By having a professional answer for the questions above, participants will be able to understand more about themselves and fill any career gabs they may face, and this will lead to unlocking their potentiality, which will help on reaching their self-actualizations and positively reflect on their working & social surrounding environment and sufficiently increase the awareness of career development.